Do you care enough to wear pink!?!!?!?
It's that time of year again.... Although it should be on your mind all year long, it's almost October, and that means - Breast Cancer Awareness!!!
Earlier this week, I had the opportunity to see the Pink Heals Tour in action. If you haven't heard about them before... click on that link and check 'em out!! I had heard about these pink fire trucks before, but never figured I'd ever get a chance to see them in person. Turns out, I was wrong! The tour came to town and a local Fire Department hosted the event down on the beach. Breast Cancer awareness is important to us, and we love us some firemen, so the boy and I went down to check it all out and support both! Unfortunately, it was dark by the time we made it down there, and we didn't get very good pictures...
(it was IMPOSSIBLE to get a picture without a bunch of people in it...)
There are 4 pink trucks that travel all over the U.S. promoting Breast Cancer awareness. They pull this trailer with a HUGE diamond-plate ribbon, and the trucks are covered in tributes that people have written on them in marker. It was very touching, and so cool!!!
The local fire fighters even wore pink uniform shirts for 2 weeks prior to the event to promote it. They had a Mammo-bus available to the public for screening information, and other health promoting booths as well.
The boy convinced me that my Aunt Lisa would like to see me with a fireman in pink gear, so I just had to take a picture with this guy.
Promoting Breast Cancer is always important to me.... For many reasons! First of all, I lost my great-grandmother to breast cancer many years ago. My Aunt Lisa is a survivor, and so is my Great Aunt Brenda. Oh, and I'm a nurse. It's my job to promote health!!! I am a firm believer that everyone should take Breast Cancer seriously. It's important to get checked regularly, and don't brush off any sort of abnormality. Nobody ever wants to be the one to be affected, but almost everyone will be affected by Breast Cancer at some point in their life. If it's not you, it's someone you know. Be aware, and be supportive.