to share something creative with you! Just so you know, my OCD is going crazy right now because I am about to go completely out of chronological order and share with you something that I did during my 8 weeks off this summer, but it was NOT the first thing I did during my eight weeks off.
Anywho! Deep breath....
My bestest of friends, Melissa Ann, is having a BABY BOY! So I threw her a super adorable CowBOY baby shower over the Summer while she was home on leave (she's a Marine), to celebrate in her joy with her hometown friends! I was so excited that I was off from school because it gave me the time I wanted to be creative and add special little caring details. I even actually made things from Pinterest! My mom and I love this kind of stuff, and she was a huge help! First things first, my amazing cousin Ashley, Sister to my cousin Paige, who you might know from Live, Laugh, Love ,designed the most adorable invitations for me, thanks again Ash, they were perfect!!!

My theme of course was Denim, Bandannas, and Farm Animals. One of my very first ideas for this shower was to make a diaper cake with those cute little denim diapers that Huggies has out, and everything just built from there. At first Melissa wasn't sure if she wanted to announce the gender to everyone, and when I started the planning she didn't even know yet! I wanted something that could be gender neutral, but could also be tweaked to favor a boy or girl if I wanted. If it had turned out to be a girl I was originally thinking I would add some pink, but then just decided to stick to Red Bandannas regardless...
The main attraction - a denim diaper cake (made by me, with some help from Mom) with Cowboy Booties, and that super cute horse on the left over there was crocheted by my Mom! Isn't it AWESOME?!?!?! There is also a matching little one on the cake but it's on the left side, not clearly pictured. Melissa went nuts over that thing, as I suspected she would, because she always appreciates homemade/crafty things, AND she is also learning to crochet.
As seen on Pinterest.... Cowboy Cookies as game prizes! (I was so excited to find bags of colored M&M's at Party City that I overlooked the dark blue ones - I was so mad when I saw them later!!) The denim on top came from an old pair of my stepdad's jeans that mom said were beyond mending. Thanks Steve! :-) And don't worry Lissa, they were washed first!
"Take one and clip it on, but don't say BABY, or you'll have to pass it on!" using the cutest farm animal ribbon I have ever seen (found at JoAnn Fabrics)... and another one via Pinterest... Wishes for Baby - made into a little book for Mommy to keep, made with scrapbook paper and tied with suede strings.
Mom and I picked out some outfits we couldn't resist in various sizes and snatched an idea from a shower my SIL threw to hang them on "clotheslines". The tables were decorated with little farm animal rattles/toys and daisies in ball jars (got a huge case at WalMart on the cheap), tied with bandanna ribbon and accompanied by trail mix. The little red baskets were a 3 pack from the dollar bin at Target, and the red bowls were a 3 pack from the dollar store. Bahhhgain!
Oh the food, so yummy! Fried chicken in bandanna lined baskets from the Dollar Tree. Utensils in soup cans, Mom lined the edges with another (washed) old pair of jeans and we wrapped bandanna ribbon around them too. The plates are in a bucket from the dollar bin at Target.
Dessert! The adorable little farm animal plates are from WalMart. My cousin Ashley, who made the invites actually found them at her Dollar General in KY, sent me a picture and said I should really have them for the party. I agreed and was so excited that WalMart had some! They are made by Hefty I think... The little lunch box is from Party City, along with the napkins, and the cupcakes were handmade by me! Another idea from Pinterest. The chocolate cows have spots made of Tootsie Rolls, the chocolate sheep are marshmallows, the chicks are yellow cake with yellow colored coconut and starburst noses, the pink piggies are just dyed yellow cake, they have starburst noses, the eyes are all made with mini m&m's and the frosting is just colored with frosting food coloring. As tedious as it looks, I promise it wasn't. I think it probably took me about a half hour to decorate them after they were made, honest. We served sweet tea and lemonade, and I took another idea from Pinterest that I strongly recommend... I froze sliced lemons in a muffin tin in lemonade so they served as ice that wouldn't water down the drink, and a pretty decoration all in one!Almost everything I bought, got sent home with Mommy. She had hinted to me weeks prior which bedding sets she had been admiring, so my gift to her was to help her decorate the nursery with the decorations from the shower. The baskets, the sign, the bandannas, table decor, etc.... it all went to Mommy. And my other little gift to her? That pony on the ground in the above photo with the bandanna around it's neck. Everyone needs a Rocky Horse in their childhood, and this one sings while you rock on it!!! (p.s. he's from WalMart too if you are in need of one)
Ta-da!!! Me and the Mommy to Be!!!
(now you can see the balloons too!)
I was so pleased with how everything turned out, and I think Lissa was too. I can't wait to meet her perfect little Christmas Present, and I'll be sure to keep ya'll updated too!