Take one down... pass it around.... 98 bottles of beer on the wall!
I'm not talkin' about beer though, I'm actually talkin' about followers. They're dropping like flies! I made it to 100, then down to 99, then 100, then 98. I can't blame them really. I haven't blogged in FOR-EV-ER. But, I'm gonna whine about it anyway. Though, I'm back to 100 today. Maybe I can actually keep them this time?
Lots has been going on since I blogged last. Wait, what the heck was the last thing I even posted???? Oh yeah, Pink firetrucks. Anyway....
I plan on getting back into the swing of things, especially since I should have lots to talk about over the holidays. Actually, I've HAD lots to talk about, just not enough time to talk about it. Here's the quick re-cap. It'll probably go faster in list version...
- I didn't get a high enough grade in my class to proceed to the next, and therefore, I'm out of school until January. Don't get me started, I'm still pissed. I didn't actually "fail", because I didn't get an F, but nursing school has high standards. Apparently you are supposed to be really freakishly smart to save lives and junk. Who knew?!?!?! (kidding!)
- Halloween came and went. My mommy made me an AWESOME costume. Maybe I'll do a re-cap soon to share some pictures :)
- My friend Priscilla who recently moved out of town came home for a whole week and I got to spend tons of time with her!
- I went wedding dress shopping with my friend Jenn - she found her dream dress, and she's pretty sure she picked our bridesmaid dresses. So exciting!
- My little brother turned 15! I know, I can't believe it either.
- I realized everything happens for a reason. And my reason for being out of school was to be able to be with my mom over the next few weeks. She was diagnosed with breast cancer.
- Mom had surgery, all is well so far. Pathology results should be in soon to confirm that it's all gone, and radiation should start in 5 wks. Prayers are appreciated.
- Melissa came home from Afghanistan. This happened prior to the others, but right now, she's down in FL with me :-) Another "reason" for being out of school - more time with Lissa Ann!
- I decided to be spontaneous. I'm driving back up North with Melissa this week, and then flying into Kentucky to see my family who I haven't seen in over a year! Another opportunity I would have missed had I been in school.
WHEW! I think I got it all down. See, told ya I've had a lot going on! And I thought I was gonna be bored while I was out of school. HA!
Oh, oh, another exciting thing happened.... last night the boy took me to Best Buy to pick up my early Christmas present - a brand spankin' new HTC Evo! *woot woot* so excited. You know what's even MORE exciting????? It has a blogger app!!! I can actually write blogs and post pictures DIRECTLY from my phone! Now I have NO excuse for not blogging. Unless of course I'm still lacking in time... but there's always bathroom breaks, right?
Anyway, I'm out for now. Time to go pick up 'Lissa and go whip some car salesman booty. She's had some serious issues this week. But that's just WAY too complicated to even attempt to blog about. Even from my way cool new phone :)
P.S. In case anyone was wondering... I haven't completely fallen off the face of the bloggy world. I've still been reading blogs daily. I promise.
Did I mention I have a really cool phone now??
So sorry about the class, happened to me last semester. Glad u are back......been missing you!!! Please post pics of your Halloween costume!!!!!
ReplyDeleteNursing is crazy hard to get into, I've heard the stories! Good luck and you'll get there eventually! :D
ReplyDeleteAwww...prayers for your mom and your family!!
ReplyDeleteWow you have been a busy bee...I'm sorry about school and your mama...I'll keep her in my prayers.