So much for posting from my way cool new phone. Whoops... I was a little bit too busy for all that!
I had a great time on my road trip with Lissa. She only almost killed us once, and only almost blew up the truck twice. KIDDING! Mostly.... I may have failed to mention that her new truck is a stick-shift, and she hasn't ever owned one of them things before! It was interesting to say the least. I'll spare you the random pictures of clouds and Welcome signs I took along the way, but I have to share at least ONE picture in this post! It's pretty exciting too, well, I was excited. The whole way through South Carolina I kept seeing all these billboards for this place called "South of the Border". I figured it must be an awesome restaurant or something. Nope. It's an amusement park. And it wasn't even in South Carolina. It was in North Carolina.
I was amused....
The rest of my trip was fairly un-eventful, but really awesome! I got to spend 3 days with my amazing family in Kentucky! I hadn't seen most of them in over a year, and it was great! We didn't really take any pictures, because we didn't really do anything exciting enough to take pictures of, but that was just fine with me! There is literally only one picture to prove that I was even there. I was watching Dora the Explorer with my 2 year old cousin. Okay, okay, you really want to see more than one picture in this post? Here you go.

See, exciting, right?
I came home with a nasty cold and felt pretty crappy on Thanksgiving. So much so that I missed out on most of the yummy food :( Thank goodness my mom promised to make me some of my favorites for Christmas dinner since she stayed in Kentucky and I had Thanksgiving with the Boy's family. His Momma is a great cook too, but I sure do miss some of the traditional stuff my Mommy makes! I better not get sick for Christmas!
The next day, we headed down to the Keys. But.... I spent the weekend in our hotel room while the Boy went fishing with my Godparents. I tried to go out on Saturday, but wound up having them bring me in because I was so sick. Grrrr.... There are some GREAT pictures of the awesome catch the Boy got, but.... not on my camera, so I don't have any.
This post is turning out to be rather lame, huh? I blame my sickies.
Today was rather eventful. Not exactly in a good way... but, eventful none the less....
You'll have to check back tomorrow to hear all about it though. Right now, I'm gonna go take some cough syrup for the first time in about 10 years and try to sleep away the sickies.
Feel better girl....sorry you were sick for the holiday.
ReplyDeleteGet Well Soon! I pass South of the Border everytime we go home to NC. I am determined to have my photo taken there one of these days.