Remember a few weeks ago when I post-poned Touring Tuesday because I was just way too busy? And then I promised I would tell you about it? Well, here I am to tell you about it....
A few weeks ago, my two teenage cousins came to visit us from TN for a week. Their visit happened to overlap the Boy being out of town, so we got a few girl days in before he came home and rained on our estrogen party...but that was perfectly okay with me. Do you have any idea what happens in a house full of JUST girls for DAYS????? I do! What happens is your guest room gets hit by a Teenage Tornado...

You get very used to the guest bathroom being occupied for long periods of time, there is a lot of running around the house in underwear, you spend 6 hours at the mall, and you get talked into dying your hair pink! Yup, pink. If you follow me on Instagram (@amylynn0185), you may have seen it already. The girls said they really wanted to dye their hair while they were here, and really wanted their cool cousin Amy to do it for them. So of course, being the cool cousin that I am, I verified with their mom that it was okay, and then we got to work, at 3 am. AND in my high on peroxide and no-sleep delirium I got a little crazy with the bleach and took some to my own hair as well.
Not bad, right? Everyone seemed very happy with their new wild hair, and no hair fell out in the process. Success!!!!
We have a lot of family that lives locally, so they spent most of their time here running around trying to see everyone, but we also got a few more days together later on in the week.
We spent an afternoon at the beach....
We went to lunch and got pedi's...
and I took them on a driving tour of the area where they grew up and we reminisced. They moved away about 8 years ago so they were pretty young when they lived here, but they still have very vivid memories. Fun fact, I actually lived with them for about 6 months right before they moved away, so we're pretty close.
On their last night in town, the Boy took us all out to dinner on the beach. The food sucked, but we had a great time.
I can't wait until they are old enough to drink though. It's pretty torturous to be across from Fat Tuesday with a bunch of minors! The older one promised us that when she turns 21 she's gonna come back, sans little sister, so we can party :-) The younger one said that by the time she turns 21 we'll be too old to party with her... :-(
I had a great time with these crazy kids, but dude, teenagers are exhausting!!! I told them one night that I was exhausted, and the younger one looked at me completely straight faced and said "Teenage Hangover???" Yup....pretty much!