Monday, October 12, 2009

Mutt Monday!

Zoey got her stylish new pink camo jacket in the mail the other day, and she thought she'd sport her thug look for a bit. What do ya think? Some people think it's torture... some people think it's cute. Personally, I think it's HILARIOUS! I'm not normally a fan of doggy clothes (especially for dogs her size), but when I saw this thing for 6 bucks at ABC Distributing, I couldn't pass it up! I mean, c'mon! It's pink AND camo! It only gets cold for like maybe 2 days out of the whole entire year where we live, but.... she's really lean, and she gets cold easily. Especially out on the boat. Plus, did I mention how it is pink and camo? And frickin' HILARIOUS!


  1. haha, she kind of looks like a fox in this picture. Fenway HATES clothes -- he will like start running into walls and stuff to get the "monster" off him... it's pretty funny to watch.

  2. Nothing makes me laugh like dogs in clothes. Cute!

  3. This is hilarious!! She is too cute!

  4. My in-laws got this same thing for their jack russell except in tradition camo green. And they live in south florida so it only gets cold there like 3x a year also... too funny!

  5. This is so cute and too funny! Pink and camo...what a great combo :)

  6. I gave you an award, play along! It's a lot of fun!
    Hope you have a great weekend!
