I'm a little behind on accepting some blog awards!!!! I was going to wait until my blog was all pretty again so that I could display them nicely, but since I had a test today, and a test tomorrow, and my nose has been/is burried in books, I just don't have the time to do so. A short little acceptance, and a scrambled up sidebar will have to do for now...
1. First off... my friend Jess at Living on Sweet Tea and Project: 10k Wedding, gave me the Sexy Blogger award many months ago, when I had just started blogging and didn't have very many blogger friends. At the time, I didn't really do anything with it. I would like to apologize to Jess for not giving it any recognition at the time, and thank her again for thinking of me! I have also
added it to my sidebar so that everyone will know that Jess thinks I'm a sexy blogger! Woo hoo!

2. This past Monday, Jess (see above) awarded me the "One Lovely Blog" award! This time I'm not going to take months to recognize it, just days, lol.... Jess is a friend in real life, and a friend in the blog world as well... I love checking out her "lovely blogs" on a daily basis. I love staying up to date on all her wedding planning adventures at Project: 10k Wedding , and you just never know what will pop up on Living on Sweet Tea! It might be a great giveaway, a recipe, an etsy find, or something completely random. That's what makes it lovely though!

3. And last, but certainly not least.... My new blog friend Jordan over at Two Dogs, a Girl, and Husband's Grace awarded me the Friend's Award yesterday! I met Jordan through Sweet Tea Diaries Summertime Swap. She started off as just my swap partner, but after exchanging a few emails to get to know each other before shopping for our swap, we've learned that we have tons and tons in common, and she is definitely more that just a swap partner, she is a great blog friend! We have decided that it was blog destiny or something that brought us together :)

"This award is bestowed on to blogs that are exceedingly charming. These kind bloggers aim to find and be friends. They are not interested in self-aggrandizement. Our hope is that when the ribbons of these prizes are cut, even more friendships are propagated. Please give more attention to these writers. Deliver this award to eight bloggers who must choose eight more and include this cleverly-written text into the body of their award."
Being that I don't have tons and tons of blogger friends yet.... I'm going to award all three of these to the following special people. I think they are all sexy, have lovely blogs, and are awesome blogger friends!
Family first!
1. My mom... at TLC by Angie. She just started her very first blog where she is sharing all of her lovely talents with the blogging community. She makes some AWESOME stuff!
2. My cousin Paige at Live Well, Love Much, Laugh Often. She just got home from her honeymoon, and her blog is currently overflowing with really awesome wedding photos!!!!
Now on to the friends.
3. Jess-ka at Living on Sweet Tea and Project: 10K Wedding
4. Jordan at Two Dogs, a Girl, and a Husbands Grace
(even though they were the one's who awarded these to me... I'm throwing them back at 'em, plus some)
5. Nicole-Lynn at Seaside Smitten. I know she checks my blog regularly because she leaves great comments quite often. I love checking in to her blog. She has great taste, and great finds!
6. Ramblings and What Not who also has the blog P90X Lovebirds . I love checking in on both of these, but particularly P90x Lovebirds. It's the story of her and her boyfriends journey on the P90x workout plan and diet. I admire them, and am anxious to see how it works out for them. Keep up the good work guys!
7. Lindsay at One Day at a Time. Love her randomness and obsession with her iPhone. I don't have one, so I can't relate, but I still find it comical.
8. Lindsay at Belle Cene'. Another blog of randomness plus her etsy shop items! We also share a love of country music apparenty.
i hope one day when i get my blog up and running that i too will be on the list of friends and bloggers...since i am new to this i am struggling with keeping up everyday... any words of encouragement will do greatly